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Java Users Group

April 2001 Meeting Information

April 13, 2001
No Meeting

Please note there will be no April meeting.

Instead, the PC Symposium returns on its normally scheduled night. As you may already know, I will be transferring to Northern Virginia sometime in May. When this users group was established in early January, the issue of my relocation was addressed. I maintained that I would continue to facilitate this group after my move provided the meetings were held on a Friday. Therefore, it was decided by the ACGNJ Board of Directors to temporarily put the PC Symposium on hiatus. However, I don't want to totally usurp the John Raff's user group. Since I need to finish preparations for my Trenton Computer Festival seminars along with finding myself new living accommodations, I thought it would be best to take a short break from the Java Users Group. It is unclear at this point if a meeting will be held in May. There may be an opportunity to facilitate this group remotely through the use of NetMeeting with a DSL or cable modem hookup. This way, this users group can be moved to an available weeknight without having to worry about traveling to New Jersey.

Hope to see y'all at TCF 2001!

Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at the Scotch Plains Rescue Squad second floor meeting hall starting promptly at 7:30pm. Meetings are open to the public, and visitors are encouraged to join ACGNJ.

SIG Leader Mike Redlich
Phone: (908) 246-0410