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Java Users Group

September 2003 Meeting Information

September 9, 2003
Generating EJBs with XDoclet

This month's meeting will feature an overview of XDoclet, a code generation engine. XDoclet enables Attribute-Oriented Programming (not to be confused with Aspect-Oriented Programming) which adds more significance to source code by adding meta data (attributes) to Java source files. Xdoclet is useful for creating EJBs from a single source file, and we will be reviewing the original source code, the generated source code, and the Ant build.xml file that performs all the tasks.

Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at the Scotch Plains Rescue Squad second floor meeting hall starting promptly at 7:30pm. Meetings are open to the public, and visitors are encouraged to join ACGNJ.

SIG Leader Mike Redlich
Phone: (908) 246-0410