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Java Users Group

June 2011 Meeting Information

June 14, 2011
Latest Work with iScript & iBuild

Manny Goyenechea will be presenting by latest work on iScript and iBuild. iScript is an open source dynamically weakly duck typed, shared memory-based concurrent, class-based object-oriented interpreted structured imperative general purpose scripting programming language supporting first-class high-order functions that seamless interoperates with Java and combines the best of numerous other scripting languages. iScript is also a simple, yet powerful template based markup language and preprocessor that can be used to generate source code, object-relational (OR) mappings, XML, HTML and other dynamic, data and meta-data driven content from simple templates and scripts. iBuild is an integrated development environment (IDE) for building iScript applications. iBuild includes a solution manager, code editor, source-level debugger and integrated help.

Manny will demonstrate how to easily build iScript solutions using iBuild and solicit input on future direction, development and use of iScript and iBuild.