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Java Users Group

May 2011 Meeting Information

May 10, 2011
A Spring Potpourri

This month, Paul Furbacher will be providing a Spring potpourri. Suppose you are working on app which needs to send email when a new user registers. But your company only allows email to be sent by your app when it's running on a production server. What can you do to test sending those emails during unit and integration testing on your own machine? Live with SMTP exceptions being logged and just assume that things will be okay in production?

Fortunately, there is a solution – enter Wiser, a component of the SubEthaSMTP library. This month's talk will walk through using Wiser in unit tests, and discuss the creation of a small Web app which can be useful for running Wiser during integration testing. We'll create a small "registration" Web app to demonstrate such testing. Along the way, we'll review some Spring framework annotations and Spring email facilities. And if there's time, we'll look at how we can use jQuery to nicely highlight missing values in the registration form's required fields.