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Garden State Java User Group

September 2022 Meeting Information

September 13, 2022
Getting Started with JReleaser: A Hands-On Workshop

We are happy to announce that Andres Almiray will be our special guest for this month's meeting!

Your project has reached that stage when it's a good idea to post binaries, but new questions appear such as where should they be posted? How do make it easier for users to install and discover your binaries? Where should releases be announced? Most importantly, can answers to these questions be automated? Enter JReleaser, a tool that provides answers to these questions and more.

JReleaser may be used to create GitHub/GitLab/Gitea releases and publish binaries that can be consumed from different distribution channels such as Homebrew, Snap, Scoop, and more. Once published, the release can be automatically announced on Twitter, Slack, Gitter, Discord, and other communication channels.

This workshop will show you how to get started with the tool.